Saturday, March 27, 2010

A day of mixed feelings

Is it just me or does it seem as though life if schizophrenic. Maybe Bipolar. It can never just be one way.

We learned yesterday that my grandmother has cancer. She turns 89 next month and I'm not sure what choices she will make.

Today, we are in Houston where our beloved friends are throwing us a baby shower for Eleanor Scout, who is due to make her arrival on or around July 12th. According to the ultrasound, she is on track to weigh 8-8.5 pounds.

So we weep and we celebrate. And this schizophrenic life continues.


  1. Congrats on the new house (gorgeous! ) and the new baby girl that will be here before you know it!! I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother that is always hard. And you are right it does make life feel very schizophrenic!! Love the new blog - hadn't checked your old one in a while and today was going through all my friends blogs and found that you had created this new one. How fun! Maybe we can finally get together sometime soon! Our best to you and Beth and the exciting adventure you are on!!
    ~Wendy Forrest

  2. Sorry about grandma, we've just been through the same.
    Congrats on the new baby, 8.5Ibs!!!!!!!!!
