Sunday, June 27, 2010

48 hours

It's so surreal. In (hopefully) less than 48 hours Beth and I will be parents to a little girl we've decided to name Eleanor. Anyone who's been anywhere near me for the past 38 weeks knows that I am SUPER excited! As I sit here procrastinating ALL of the last minute things that I SHOULD be doing, I am excited, nervous, anxious, emotional, and exhausted...and she's not even here yet. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that nothing in life up to this point can compare to the emotions that one experiences when preparing to be a parent. LOTS of my friends have had babies (I am 33 after all), and I have cherished going to visit them in the hospital and holding their new bundle of joys, sometimes just hours old. But, wow, how different is this?!?

There are so many emotions, and so many things that need to be said. So many things I hope for her; and so many prayers prayed on her behalf already. There are so many ABSOLUTELY wonderful family and friends that have brought me to this point.

We are the sum of our experiences. I am blessed beyond measure to have had parents that very rarely told me "no" and found ways to make sure that I had all the experiences that kids should have. My teachers have helped to mold me and taught me how to learn. No way would I sit here today without them. I have faith GIANTS that have shown me who God is and how much he loves me despite how little I deserve it. And I am thankful for the prayers, love, and constant encouragement they have provided and continue to provide.

I pray that I can do half as right by Eleanor. I know she will be loved. I know I will make mistakes. I hope that I can embarrass her as much as some have embarrassed me. ;-)

So the clock ticks. And life. will. never. be. the. same.

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